Baby recipes

This theme is all about recipes suitable for little children and babies. Starting with their first fruit snack to chicken, zucchini and potato.

Hopefully this item will help others feed their babies with something other then the little jars store bought.


6/15/2006 - Sweet dishes - Visited: 9 times - Mailed: 0 times - Sidedish - The Netherlands - Clean strawberries and remove stem. Bring to a simmer with 2 tbsp water and simmer...... Suitable for babys from 6 months. 1/2 pnd strawberries Enough for 5 portions, keeps .....

Ground Chicken with vegetables

6/14/2006 - Poultry dishes - Visited: 4 times - Mailed: 0 times - Entree - The Netherlands - Wash vegetables and chop up. Cook all for about 20 minutes, until done on low heat...... Suitable from 6 months 1/2 zucchini (about 4 oz.) 1 small carrot, pealed and chopped .....

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